BD2Decide Paper accepted on Oncotarget

A paper on "Prognostic modeling of oral cancer by gene profiles and clinicopathological co-variables", related to BD2Decide research and authored by Dr. Ruud Brakenhoff and colleagues has been accepted for publication in the scientific journal Oncotarget.


BD2Decide research being relayed on Italian national press

A press release from AOP has been published by the Italian business newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore", in its section dedicated to healthcare. Link to the article


BD2Decide leveraging RARECARENet data

BD2Decide uses data coming from population-based cancer registries contributing to the RARECARENet high resolution study. RARECARENet is a project funded by the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) of the European Commission (formerly known as the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, EAHC). Moreover, BD2Decide team members Lisa Licitra, Gemma Gatta,...


BD2Decide has published its User needs and use cases document

BD2Decide has published deliverable “D2.1 User needs and use cases”, that presents the user needs and requirements for the Project’s technical and scientific infrastructure. The document, which downloadable from the Downloads page, is a great opportunity to discover in more detail the overall rationale of the Project and to understand what are the most innovative approaches that will be...
