The Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT) is one of the main national and international referral center for cancer treatment and research. INT is the largest Comprehensive Cancer Center in Italy. INT stands as a center of excellence for research preclinical, translational and clinical research, and service. The inseparability, reciprocity and the continuum between functional and clinical research is an undoubted positive flow of value, which gives to INT the status of a Comprehensive Cancer Center, as established by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI). INT has always been a national and international reference for clinical trials on patients, also in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry as a product of original and innovative clinical research aimed at improving the processes of care. Furthermore, INT is a leading actor for what concerns the implementation of innovative forms of management and organization in the health and biomedical research. In this sense, INT is the body of the actuator Lombardy Oncology Network (ROL) and coordinates the oncological accredited public and private operating in the Lombardy Region. The Head and Neck Medical Oncology Unit aims at ensuring the most appropriate diagnostic, therapeutic and healthcare pathway for patients, with a multidisciplinary perspective and in the view of the latest scientific evidence. The Unit is actively involved in several research protocols at national and international level. The Unit is focused in the treatment of the head and neck (H&N) cancers (nasopharynx, oropharynx, oral cavity, hypopharynx, larynx, sinuses) and salivary glands H&N cancers. The Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facility has the appropriate scientific and technical background, knowledge, skill and dedicated equipment for all sort of biomolecular tests and data extraction and analysis. The Evaluative Epidemiology Unit is mainly devoted to assess the cancer burden and outcome in populations and lead European projects on rare cancers. INT leads the European Joint Action on rare cancers. H&N cancers are rare cancers.
Role in BD2Decide
INT leads the clinical research in genomics, the genomic data collection and data analysis. In particular, under the supervision of Dr De Cecco, two technicians with wide experience in high-throughput methodologies and a post-doc fellow will perform the experimental activities needed in the project. The bioinformatics and biological data will be elaborated by Dr De Cecco with the support of bioinformatics and biologists expert in functional analysis. The Evaluative Epidemiology Unit is in charge of the provision of epidemiological data from on population-based cancer registries. INT also leads the coordination of both the retrospective and prospective clinical study, according to ICH-GCP, through the development of the clinical trials protocols and the management of the multicenter international clinical studies. INT is involved in the conduction of the studies and will contribute in patients’ enrollment and data collection. Dr. Lisa Licitra is the Scientific Coordinator and the Principal Investigator of the project.
Contact Details
Contact Person:
Lisa Licitra, MD
lisa.licitra at